Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Stay in a Tiny house in the Wilderness

Stay in a Tiny house in the Wilderness and learn some off-grid, 

Backwoods Survival and Self-Sufficiency.

Park your own self-contained tiny house/van $100/week!

Looking out from the farm over the Tarkine wilderness

We also have some plots available for lease with vans already on.

We have a plot near our drive with “Rosie” on it. Rosie is a tiny house on wheels – a bit like a small gypsy wagon with a pot belly fire. Rosie only sleeps one person (and you can’t be too big!). This plot has a small veggie and herb garden. $125/week.



Near the drive we also have our bus ,“Bumblebus”, which is set up as an off-grid tiny house with a wood fire, solar power and shared organic veggie patch. $175/week. Sleeps 2.

Inside the "Bumblebus"

Bus garden

Up the top of our hill we have a plot with “Betsy”, our little (12ft) retro caravan on it. Sleeps 2. The track to Betsy is hike-in only but a beautiful 400m gentle walk through the pines. $100/week.

Minimum stay is 1 month. All stays: No running water – bucket water in. BYO sleeping bag etc. No poison chemicals to be used inside or out. Provide your own food. Some organic produce and wholefood available for purchase.

We are looking for younger couples or single people (preferably under 45) who want to learn to walk lightly on the earth on our 200 acre ex-plantation block next to thousands of acres of the Tarkine wilderness.

We are starting the world’s first Sustainable Community Farm™ to save rare plants, animals and trees, grow organic food, do long-term sustainable forestry and live with respect for nature.

Come and plant gardens and trees with us and make a difference in the world.


Our farm is in a remote area in the mountains 20 minutes to Waratah and as we are in a cool temperate rainforest here it can be cold and wet and can snow.

We teach Good Heart Living™ which is our own version of backwoods survival and self-sufficiency. The ongoing training will equip you with skills for living in the wilderness and start to re-wild your heart for living in nature. Beginners welcome.

We will teach you how to grow your own food in our training gardens but it is up to you to grow food in your plot to provide for yourself. If you are here longer we also teach you the basics of wilderness survival, hunting, foraging, plants for healing, animal keeping, crafting, and forestry.

A condition of being here is that you have to make satisfactory progress in the Good Heart Living™(SCF) course.

Tuition cost for 1 month is $495 (Winter months $375).

Tuition for a season (3 months) is $1485 (Winter $1125).

Some of the tuition is potentially work off-able at 2hrs/day (1hr/day in winter months).

Everyone who is here has to work at growing food. No exceptions (we all have to eat).



In return for cheap rent we expect that people will do at least 1 hour/day doing tasks that need doing in our gardens and around the farm. In order to grow your own food you will have to work in your own garden plot as well as work to provide your income.

Some of the activities you may do include tree planting, fencing, growing food, seed saving, foraging, wildcrafting, preserving, crafts, and building animal pens or shelters (depending on season).

Must be physically fit and healthy enough to do the work required to grow food. No GM vaccines to have been taken within the last 2 years please as we are an organic farm and against genetic engineering.

Our lifestyle is closest to indigenous peoples and peasants which we see as the most sustainable. We eat meat - seeing all life as sacred - animals and plants.


No drugs. Sorry no dogs (no fences yet). Lots of wildlife.

If you have dreamed of being off-grid this is a great opportunity to rent some land in a community in a forest away from the cities. This is a chance to live the good life.

A condition of renting here is that you have to abide by the rules of the community. All stays are subject to availability and approval.

We do not do or allow permaculture or regenerative agriculture here and do not work with the government. We practice Good Heart Living™.

Gavin Edwards (The Self-Sufficient Farmer™) who has over 50 years food growing experience.
Lisa McAndrew (Good Heart Herbalist) is Australia’s first community herbalist.

If you are interested could you please tell us a bit about yourself by emailing Lisa and Gavin at Good Heart Farm™:
goodheartfarm at proton dot me
or ph 0459 263 525 (text only - we are on the edge of reception!)

© Gavin Edwards 2024. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without prior permission from the author.
Good Heart Farm™, Good Heart Living™, Sustainable Community Farm™ are common law trademarks of Mama Earth Pty. Ltd. ACN 146 054 828.


Looking out towards St. Valentines peak


Friday, August 11, 2023

Land for Lease in the Wilderness with training


We are starting the world’s first Sustainable Community Farm™. Our goal is to save endangered plants, animals and trees and grow organic food.

We are looking for younger couples or single people (under 45) who want to walk lightly on the earth on our 200 acre ex-plantation block next to thousands of acres of the tarkine wilderness.

We have small plots of land for lease* to park your off-grid self-contained tiny house/bus or van and grow some food. Plot sizes range from 250m2 to 1200m2 and the leases cost between $50/week and $100/week. To lease land you have to do our Good Heart Living (Sustainable Community Farm) certificate below and undertake ongoing training to join our community.

* A condition of the lease is that the lessee must agree to the rules of the community.

Deposit $200. Terms and Conditions apply. A selection process for the community applies.


Learn how to live in the wilderness, be prepared and have a backup or bolt hole.

Our farm is in a remote area in the mountains 20 minutes to Waratah and as we are in a cool temperate rainforest here it can be cold and wet and can snow. Drivers licence preferred.





Rufous wallaby mum and bub







Fairy wren family choosing the best bugs for lunch

Wedge-tailed Eagle hunting here

Due to the governments unsustainable planning laws you can only live here part-time at the moment but you can lease a plot to park your wagon.



Everyone that comes here must do our Good Heart Living (Sustainable Community Farm) Certificate which is our basic Backwoods Survival and Self-sufficiency course for becoming a community member (also called the Grounding course). The course will equip you with some basic skills for living in the wilderness and start to re-wild your heart for living in nature. This runs for 2 years and tuition costs $10/week. This makes sure we are all on the same page.

Everyone who is here has to work at growing food. We are about self-sufficiency and sustainability and that means we take responsibility for ourselves by growing our own food and providing our own materials. During the course we expect that people will do at least 4 hours/day practicing what they have learned and doing tasks that need doing in the gardens and around the farm.

Some of the activities you may do include tree planting, fencing, setting up larger gardens, growing food, seed saving, plant identification, foraging, wildcrafting, preserving, crafts, prepping and building animal pens or shelters (depending on the season).


We are not with a government approved organic certification body because the Australian organisations are members of IFOAM which was started with Rodale which have been funded by the Rockefeller Family Fund who are the same oil barons behind the ag chemicals and GMO’s. The rich take both sides. So we are independent and organic and are starting our own certification label which is not government approved. Our version of sustainability is also not the UN sustainable development goals for food "security" which promotes genetic engineering.

We are remote because we are then away from GM from the big agribusiness farms and we have bought land higher up because there are less viruses at a higher altitude. We are very concerned that there will be dangers using self-replicating mRNA vaccines on farm animals, pests and weeds to combat problems caused by poor farming practices from agribusiness.

Potato bed full of spuds










Must be physically fit and healthy enough to do the work required to grow food. No GM vaccines as we are an organic farm and against genetic engineering.




Our lifestyle is closest to indigenous peoples and peasants which we see as the most sustainable. We eat meat - seeing all life as sacred - animals and plants.

We also have some temporary accommodation for rent while studying or building.

Some part-time income may also be available as Tasmanian Mountain Pepper grows naturally on the farm. We also have many other potential income streams available for community members to share in.

No drugs. No dogs (no fences yet and we are looking at having only a few dogs over the whole community). Cats fine if kept in at night. Lots of wildlife.

If you have dreamed of being off-grid this is a great opportunity.

Please note: we do not do or allow permaculture or regenerative agriculture here and do not work with the government.

 We stand independent.


Gavin Edwards (The Self-Sufficient Farmer) who has over 50 years food growing experience.

Lisa McAndrew (Good Heart Herbalist) is Australia’s first community herbalist.

If you are interested could you please tell us a bit about yourself by emailing Lisa and Gavin at Good Heart Farm.

Please contact 

goodheartfarm at proton dot me

or  ph. 0417 114677  (text is best - if we don't reply please try again. We are on the edge of reception and our messages don't always drop in out here).

Email is the best way of contacting us.

Offer valid until 30jun24.

View away from the Tarkine across plantations to Valentines Peak 

© Gavin Edwards 2023. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without prior permission from the author.
Good Heart Farm, Good Heart Homestead™ , Good Heart Living™, Sustainable Small Farm™, Community Farm, Sustainable Community Farm  are common law trademarks of Mama Earth Pty. Ltd. ACN 146 054 828.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Want to build a cabin in the woods?

 This is for when the SHTF. You can't live here permanently at the moment but you can start learning and prepping.

Park-Your-Tiny House

  This is for when the SHTF. You can't live here permanently at the moment but you can start learning and prepping.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Winter course in Self-Sufficiency

 Hi Everyone. We are offering training for this winter for off-grid self-sufficiency, prepping and survival in the wilderness of Tasmania. We have 200acres of regrowth pine forest overlooking the Tarkine rainforest. Looking for people who want to learn about cool-climate self-sufficiency. It will be cold and can snow but what we teach you won’t find anywhere else. Please see the photo below. If you are interested please contact Lisa or Gavin on ghfarmtas@gmail.com or txt 0459 263 525.


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

New Tiny House Community Starting


Are you looking to escape from the city?

We are seeking people interested in living in our off-grid, 200acre mountain community overlooking the Tarkine wilderness. We are making the worlds first Sustainable Community Farm™.

We are after good-hearted people who are hard working and honest. Prefer younger people (18-30) or young families but will consider people up to 45 if they have useful skills.

Looking for people who want to live on the land and care for it valuing fresh air and clean food over money; happiness over greed.

Own Tiny house/caravan/bus   $65/week for single

                                                 $100/week for couple

(Included in the price is our self-sufficiency training course)

If you are interested please contact Lisa and Gavin:

ghfarmtas@gmail.com or ph 0459 263 525