Saturday, December 27, 2014

Fast food and herbs

My version of fast food is food that I can grow quickly before I starve to death - that's most likely to happen in late spring, the so-called hungry gap. Just as well I made another garden and planted those potatoes before we went to Arizona (actually, these are the second earlies - I had already pulled the earlies in November). The garden looks like it's been there for most of last century because I use a lot of recycled materials.

Black currants are our second fruit crop at the moment, coming after the red currants.
The reason we had to go to Arizona is because Lisa had a herb conference in Mormon Lakes - she's Australia's first Community Herbalist and she looks like a herbalist here

Monday, November 3, 2014

Middle Earth and lavender magic

This is the gate to the Middle Earth orchard - the whole place here reminds me of that imaginary land of gentle hobbit folk. Tolkien used as his basis of the Shire, good farmland in England, my guess - Land in Good Heart. That's what we have here.
Lavender near the gate to Middle Earth orchard 

There is a magic in this land and on this farm. A magic beyond the reach of cities and the evil in men's hearts. A magic that empowers us to do good and protect. That magic is called love. Love of nature and one another.

 Please - if you visit - don't bring the city here. Leave the city behind.

Somethings working - muck and magic?

It's November - a wonderful time of year. The rhododendrons are still out

there's plenty of greens in the Magic Circle garden

I'm working in the Behind Circle garden (BC garden)...well you could call it working.
It is hard work really but hard work I like to do. It's like working in heaven.
This is my office.

Up near the packing shed the faery folk have taken over - I guess they're helping work in some way. If you work with nature and not against her, she will help you. If you understand what she needs.

I think she likes muck and magic....and I think I do too!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Hungry Gap

It's October and we're into the hungry gap.

Plenty of greens - chives, kale and French sorrel. Stored Giant Russian garlic in the background.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Harvesting in the Magic Circle garden

The Magic Circle garden is producing an abundance of greens and beans at the moment

Why go to the shops for food when you can do this? It's much nicer.