Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Honouring Life

 Honour is when you stand by yourself, your word, your heart and your ethics. Here at Good Heart Farm we honour All Life. All Life is sacred. Each plant, each tree, each animal, each place and each season.  All Life is a divine gift to be honoured.

So how do we honour life? We do it when we give thanks daily for the gift of nature, when we acknowledge our connection to the earth.  When we feed and care for our animals, when we grow and harvest our gardens, when we save our vegetable seeds , when we make, bake and cook our produce and when we create our crafts we do it with love.

We respect the gift that is nature, we honour her by valuing her as she is. We acknowledge that nature has her ways and that if we live according to her rules we will be well.

Love is at the heart of All Life. Honouring this love and life means loving fiercely and without ceasing. It means being prepared to do and say what is necessary to protect this precious gift that we have been given. This one earth, this magical beautiful place that we all call home.

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